What is a Naming Ceremony?
A naming ceremony is a ceremony where you publicly welcome your child into your family and circle of friends. Generally speaking, the...

What documents do we need to sign/lodge in order to get married
Following on from my post yesterday, apart from filling out and lodging a NOTICE OF INTENDED MARRIAGE ( NOIM ) with your celebrant one...

Notice required to get married in Australia and paperwork involved
Not everyone is aware of the legalities around getting married. And that's ok - for many people, it's only something that you only do...

Colours for your attendants
Having conducted many weddings, and having been to many weddings over the years, it's so nice to see the different colour schemes that...

Australia Day
Australia Day is celebrated every year on the 26th January marking the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British...

Who can conduct a wedding ceremony?
In Australia, a person needs to undertake training, be deemed competent in their studies, apply to the Attorney General's Department and...

Wedding transport
How did you arrive at your wedding? Did you do something out of the ordinary or were you more traditional? Since commencing as a Marriage...

Ceremony Rituals - Sand Unity Ceremony
There are many different elements to a ceremony whether it be a Baby Naming, Wedding or Funeral. Of course words are so very important...

Love is love
On the 9th December 2017, Same - sex marriages became legal in Australia. I for one was very happy that now everyone was free to marry...

Photo presentations in Funerals
Lots of people opt to have a photo presentation at funeral ceremonies. It is a lovely way to visually pay tribute to your loved one. When...