Coping throughout the Christmas Season
Christmas can be a difficult time when you have lost a loved one or friend. In past years you have all celebrated together and made many memories throughout the years - memories that should be held on to and cherished. Yet at this time, when you are generally happy and celebrating with others, there is something missing, and that something leaves an aching emptiness in your heart and in your life.
There are a few things that you may like to consider - things that may help you to cope just that little bit easier through the festive season.
* Seek the support of family and friends - your collective sorrow and grief can become a collective strength
* Take a walk outside in the fresh air - take deep breaths and be at one with nature. It is good for the soul and the mind
* Draw a nice warm bath - add some essential oils such a lavender ( that will help you to relax ) or citrus oils ( that will uplift you)
* Accept that this is going to be a difficult time for you and be kind to yourself
* Set a chair for your loved one at the table. As the reading goes:-
" Christmas in Heaven, what do they do?
They come down to earth, to spend it with you.
So save them a seat, just one empty chair,
You may not see them, but they will always be there"
Stay safe during this Christmas and holiday time and take care of you!