Grief and Loss Support
As a funeral celebrant, families often ask for information on grief and loss support/counselling.
Everyone is different - everyone's grief is different, and we all cope in our own way.
It can be beneficial to some to seek the support and guidance of a counsellor. They are experienced in their field and can offer support and supply resources to you should you be in need.
In my own personal grief journey, I found reading to be invaluable. I purchased a booked called
" On grief and grieving" by Elisabeth Kubler - Ross and David Kessler. This helped me immensely and since that time I have recommended the book to many families that I have met through my work as a funeral celebrant.
David Kessler has much to offer bereaved people and he can be found on this website where there are lots of options that may or may not suitable. -
There are also several resources on the internet where you can get some fact sheets as well. This is just one that I have come across:-
If you feel that you need some support, I urge you to ask for it. Talking can be a very powerful way to release our grief, sharing with others who understand . These are people who genuinely care.
I will list below a couple of professional counselling services - this may be a place to start. Just click on the web address to take you directly to their website.
* Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement
* Beyond Blue
* Life Support Counselling
If you just want to chat, you can call Lifeline who are always available to listen
Phone : - 13 11 44
Above all, be kind to yourself. And know that there are people who care.