How to assist a grieving person
Grief is unfortunately something that we all go through at some stage in our lives. We can experience grief when losing a loved one or friend, losing a job or the breakup of a relationship. There are many situations that we, as humans, face and grieve on our lifetime.
One important rule though when walking alongside someone in their grief is that you never "compare" grief. Even if you are accompanying a friend on their grief journey after losing a parent, and you too have lost a parent, you cannot compare. Relationships are different and WE are different. Our grief is different.
Yes it is true that we ourselves DO know what grief feels like but it is OUR grief.
The best thing that you can do as a friend is to listen and have a shoulder for your friend to lean on.
If you don't know what to say, don't say anything. Just be there. Platitudes such as "they are in a better place", or "just be thankful for the good times" do not really assist a person who is grieving, but listening does.
This article I came across today is on that very subject. If you have time, please have a read. It may assist you in the future when you are lending your ear or shoulder to someone in need.