Speakers at Ceremonies

No matter what type of Life's Celebration you may be holding, you can have people involved to give your celebration a personal touch.
At a wedding ceremony, you may like to ask a family member or friend to recite a Poem or do a reading.
When celebrating your baby or child's naming day, a member of your family or a close friend may be quite honoured to read out a poem for your baby or child. There are lots of readings that can be found on the internet or you may like to have someone read one that you have written yourself.
At a Funeral Ceremony, it can be extremely difficult to speak. Emotions can take over and make it hard to speak.The thought of speaking in public, especially at this time can also be very daunting. And that is so understandable. No-one would expect anything else.
However on many occasions people get through this and feel honoured to be able to have gotten through this.
There are of course alternatives. As a Celebrant, I am more than happy to read what has been written on someone else's behalf or you may have someone in mind to take over should the need arise.
My biggest piece of advice is not to put yourself under any pressure, particularly at a Funeral Service.