Why I chose to become a celebrant

Many times over the years I have been asked what made me choose to become a celebrant - a funeral celebrant in particular. People often comment that it must be a very sad job and how do I stop myself from crying. These are all very valid points and I will answer them in this blog.
It wasn't long after that that I left my fulltime employment in an office job and commenced my career in funeral celebrancy. And I have never looked back. Since that time I have had the honour to officiate at many services for people of varying ages, meeting their families who come from all walks of life.
It is a very rewarding career being able to assist in farewelling loved ones with dignity and respect. Funerals are a sad occasion and yes they can be difficult but as the celebrant you learn to keep your emotions in check all the while showing compassion and empathy.
My only regret is that I didn't take this path earlier on in my life.